Class that extends the BaseDocumentLoader class and implements the DocumentLoader interface. It represents a document loader for scraping web pages using Puppeteer.


const loader = new PuppeteerWebBaseLoader("https:
launchOptions: {
headless: true,
gotoOptions: {
waitUntil: "domcontentloaded",

const screenshot = await loader.screenshot();





options: undefined | PuppeteerWebBaseLoaderOptions
webPath: string


  • Method that calls the scrape method and returns the scraped HTML content as a Document object.

    Returns Promise<Document<Record<string, any>>[]>

    Promise that resolves to an array of Document objects.

  • Loads the documents and splits them using a specified text splitter.


    Returns Promise<Document<Record<string, any>>[]>

    A Promise that resolves with an array of Document instances, each split according to the provided TextSplitter.

  • Method that calls the _scrape method to perform the scraping of the web page specified by the webPath property.

    Returns Promise<string>

    Promise that resolves to the scraped HTML content of the web page.

  • Screenshot a web page and return it as a Document object where the pageContent property is the screenshot encoded in base64.

    Returns Promise<Document<Record<string, any>>>

    A document object containing the screenshot of the page encoded in base64.

  • Static method that imports the necessary Puppeteer modules. It returns a Promise that resolves to an object containing the imported modules.

    Returns Promise<{
        launch: ((options?) => Promise<Browser>);

    Promise that resolves to an object containing the imported Puppeteer modules.

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